Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Reflecting on 10 Years in Advertising + 3 Favourite Commercials

Last June I celebrated the 10th anniversary of my advertising career. Like any career, advertising has left me with a lot of highs, lows, and maybe a few regrets. I remember as a junior, I would always tell juniors the greatest move I ever made was working on my portfolio rather than trying to get an internship.  While classmates ended up in an uneventful internship doing very little, I used those 6 crucial weeks to create 3 campaigns. Those 3 campaigns stayed in my book for many years, won me accolades with an Applied Arts Advertising Award, along with my first real internship at Grey. And since I was completing an actual internship, I worked on real ads, won more real awards, and moved on to my first real job in advertising.

I owe a lot to advertising. Right now, I am reside in Doha, Qatar working as a freelance copywriter, and I know that I would not be here today without advertising. The reason to work overseas was an easy one. Once my future wife to be introduced me to travelling, I was hooked. I then realized that rather than having advertising trudge me through the mud with long hours, unreasonable clients, and last minute changes, I needed to use advertising to further my life. Instead of advertising using me, I used advertising to explore the world, meet new people and broaden my horizons. So when I got the call to go to Oman, the decision was already made. To put this into greater perspective, for the first 30 years of my life I had visited a total of 4 countries, including Canada. And in the last 4 years, I have visited 34 countries.

Advertising has also brought me many regrets. The first being having to turn down an opportunity to work at Biggs Gilmore in Michigan. Although I had a great interview, and really enjoyed meeting the team, I unfortunately had to turn down the job due to family reasons. It was just bad timing on my end. I look back and think about what my career would have been if I had taken that job. Remember, Biggs Gilmore is a digital agency, and entering the digital market so early in my career would have put me ahead of the game today. You just have to wonder and remember that everything happens for a reason.

Another difficult decision was having to leave Penny right before the wedding to work in Budapest. Working at Scholz & Friends gave me the opportunity to see the beautiful city of Budapest, but was a step backwards career wise, considering how little actual creative work I did.

But I digress. I may have changed a few things here and there, but the important thing is that I am still in the game today. Every now and again, I have to remind myself how lucky/unlucky I am, considering I am still doing what I love. Considering I graduated in 2003, and up to 75% of my class moved to other fields within the first year, I am grateful. I still do keep in touch with some of my classmates who have successfully created their own paths, whether be it as a photographer, chef or stay at home mother.

So as I look back on my 10 years, I have decided to celebrate with my top 3 commercials. I strongly believe that these 3 commercials are the most strategic, insightful, creative, well written, well art directed pieces of commercialism that I have ever seen. I'd say that in my 10 years, I have probably seen at least 5,000 commercials, and these 3 stand out to me the most. 

3. Coca Cola Border

This gem for a global brand works on so many levels. First, the fact that it's for Coke makes it interesting. I say this because it's often the biggest brands in the world that often provide the biggest challenges. Creating happiness sounds easy, but creating something with such a broad USP is not easy. What I love about this commercial is that it hits on the insight of a brief moment of happiness in such a relevant and unique way. It's not flashy, but it's memorable, strategically perfect and well directed.

2. Career Builder - Tips

Where. To. Start. This was one of those commercials that when I saw it for the first time,  I gathered everyone within a 20 metre radius to watch with me again. The difference is that after all these years (4), I still remember the commercial to the very end. This commercial is a personification of a great story being told. It has memorable characters, a plot that builds, suspense as to what is going to happen next, and of course a show closing brand. Unlike the coke ad above, which some may say doesn't make you go out and buy a bottle of coke immediately, this made me go directly to careerbuilder.com. This commercial was a micro site in the making where they could have taken the story so much further. And since this was all based on an insight that we can all relate to - bad coworkers - the idea had enough legs to make it to the next Super Bowl. 

1. Apple Think Different


I realize that many intelligent advertisers put Apple's 1984 commercial as the greatest commercial of all time. Sure 1984 had a big budget, impact and buzz, being only aired once during the Super Bowl. But let me ask you this? How many Super Bowl commercials do you see more than once? Or care to? The reality of the situation that people will never talk about because of the 1984's God like status is that sales actually went down after the release of the commercial. For me, Think Differently is a commercial that is a better example of everything Apple stands for. It illustrates in an effective, simplistic way the mantra of. And 17 years later, it's still relevant to everything Apple does.

Some people say that you know a commercial is great when you wish you thought of the idea. But I think a commercial is great when you believe there is nothing humanly possible to add to a commercial to make it better.   

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